Belsky, Weinberg & Horowitz
Maryland Auto Accident Lawyer, Maryland Injury Lawyer, Maryland Cerebral Palsy Lawyer, Baltimore Injury Lawyer
* Personal Injury
* Medical Malpractice
* Workers Compensation
* Bankruptcy
Our web site will allow you to learn how we fight for our clients to receive large settlements and positive outcomes. We are Maryland Personal Injury Lawyers, handling cases such as Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Bankruptcy, Product's Liability, and Workers Compensation. We have expanded our information center to have even more information on Medical Malpractice, Cerebral Palsy, Cancer Misdiagnosis, Auto Accidents, and Bankruptcy. We have six offices located in Maryland. If you have been injured please contact our firm today, let our experience help you get what you deserve. Our team works hard to fight and win the hard cases, read our recent cases to learn how we helped many injured clients earn large settlements in Maryland.
Maryland Personal Injury Lawyers
If you have recently been in an auto, truck or motorcycle accident or a victim of Medical Malpractice you may be entitled to financial compensation for your injuries. Compensation covers lost wages, pain and suffering and other types of damages. We can help you get the maximum amount possible. Remember when you deal with an insurance company they will try and offer the lowest amount possible. That's their job - to keep as much of their money as possible. They do not have your best interests in mind. We do - Contact our firm to lean how we can help you and your family. What to learn more? We have a large selection of personal injury resources to help inform you on different topics relating to personal injury and Maryland law.
Learn more about what your case may be worth by understanding the different types of damages. Personal injury damages include lost wages, pain and suffering, loss of consortium, medical expenses and property damage.
Personal Injury is a term that covers many different areas. Some types of Personal Injury include:
* Auto Accidents
* Truck Accidents
* Motorcycle Accidents
* Construction Accidents
* Surgical Errors
* Cancer Misdiagnosis
* Cerebral Palsy
* Prescription Errors
Maryland Auto Accident Lawyers
Our legal team helps victims of auto and truck accidents throughout Maryland. Typically victims of auto accidents are often taken advantage of by greedy insurance companies. Insurance companies will always try and minimize their payout's to accident victims. Their primary goal is to keep as much of their money as possible. So if the insurance company is looking out for their best interest, who is looking out for yours? That is where we come in. Our primary goal is to help victims and fights for your rights - we fight to get you the largest payout possible. Our firm only gets paid when we win for you. Find out what we can do for you, read about our recent case successes and get a free consultation of your own. Learn about trial preparation and how it can make or break your case.
Have you been:
* Involved in an auto accident from someone else's negligence?
* Unable to pay your medical bills and lost wages due to your injury?
* Offered a low payout from your insurance company?
* Hit in a rear end collsion?
Don't delay - Contact our firm today - Maryland law has a limit on the amount time you can wait before making a claim.
Our Maryland based law firm knows how to handle accident cases. We understand the process and know how to work hard for you to achieve maximum results. Most accident victims are offered extremely low payout's from their own insurance company.
Maryland Medical Malpractice Lawyers
Injuries suffered at the hands of those who provide medical care can be the most unexpected and physically damaging. At Belsky, Weinberg & Horowitz, we regularly represent clients suffering from injuries as a result of emergency room negligence, surgical mistakes, newborn delivery complications, failure to diagnose, and incorrect prescription medication. Negligence can cause life changing injuries such as cerebral palsy, erb's palsy, negligence can also cause death if cancer or other illnesses are not properly diagnosed. So what happens if this has happened to you or your family? What's worse is if medical negligence did occur - how would you know? That is where our medical malpractice lawyers and medical experts come in. We have experience with even the most complex medical malpractice cases. We will go to work to see that the malpractice insurance company properly compensates you. Read our Medical Malpractice blog.
Medical Malpractice Resources
* Health Claim Process for Maryland Malpractice Cases
Handling Cerebral Palsy / Birth Injuries / Brain Damage / Misdiagnosis cases in Maryland
Our Maryland medical malpractice lawyers handle birth injury cases when infants suffer from cerebral palsy - typically from lack of oxygen during the birth process. Unfortunately at this time there is no cure for cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a lifetime permanent disability. Not only does cerebral palsy hurt the child but affects the mother and family of the child. Everyone involved will be affected by this disability. Children that have cerebral palsy will require more attention and treatments than a healthy child. Many victims also are unable to work. Due to all these hardships the victim and their families may be entitled to lifetime benefits to help increase the quality of life for those affected. In these serious medical malpractice cases the payout's can be extremely high, to help pay for lost wages due to the ability to not work, physical therapy and educational costs.
Signs that medical malpractice may have been responsible for your child's cerebral palsy
* The child being left too long in the birth canal
* Failure to treat seizures after the birth
* Excessive or improper use of vacuum extraction or forceps
* Failure to detect umbilical cord around the child's neck
* Failure to perform "c-section" if necessary
Any type of failure to treat or diagnose these issues may be the cause of medical malpractice. This means the life changing event could have been avoided altogether. For additional questions please contact our Maryland cerebral palsy lawyers.
Maryland Workers Compensation Lawyers
If you have been injured on the job you may need to file a workers compensation claim. A common question asked is 'Why do you need a lawyer to file a workers compensation claim?'. A lawyer is not required to make a claim however having the services of an experienced workers compensation lawyer can help your claim go through successfully. You may even be eligible for lifetime medical treatment, and monetary award for any permanent or partial disability you sustain from your injury. Have questions? Speak to our experienced workers compensation lawyers. Medical Expense Form.
Maryland Bankruptcy Lawyers
The law offices of Belsky, Weinberg & Horowitz are dedicated to helping our clients get back on their feet. Maryland's Bankruptcy laws have changed - find out information you need to know. Did you know that Bankruptcy can stop foreclosure? Bankruptcy laws can help protect you and even make the bill collectors stop calling. You may be able to keep your house and assets. Don't delay - speak to a qualified Maryland Bankruptcy Lawyer. We are a debt relief agency representing individuals in bankruptcy cases filed under Chapters 7 & 13 of the Bankruptcy Code. Read our Bankruptcy blog.
Six Convenient Offices throughout Maryland
We are located in Baltimore, Annapolis, Greenbelt, Glen Burnie, Columbia, Rockville, & Hagerstown. Where ever you live in Maryland we have an office close to you. We offer free consultations and are available 24 hours 7 days a week. Simply click here for a free case evaluation or call us toll free 800-895.5333. We have recovered tens of million of dollars for our clients in a variety of complex personal injury cases and remain one of the strongest litigation firms in the state on behalf of the victims of personal injuries of all types due to all causes. Don't wait, contact an attorney now to get more information.
For additional information, contact us for a free consultation with an experienced legal team. Keep up to date! Read our Blog
Belsky, Weinberg & Horowitz
220 N Liberty St
Baltimore MD 21201
Tel: 410 234-0100
