Venable LLP
Tax and Wealth Planning
* Business Transactions Tax
* International Tax
* Tax Controversies
* Tax Policy
* Tax-Exempt Organizations
* Wealth Planning
Venable tax attorneys provide federal, state, local and international tax advice to corporations and other business entities, as well as to nonprofits, individuals and families.
Income tax/business transactions.
Our clients include Fortune 500 corporations as well as closely held companies and start-up ventures. For clients of all types and sizes, we provide tax advice on all aspects of business operations.
A particular strength is tax advice and counseling for business transactions. Our attorneys have extensive experience in complex business transactions including stock and asset transactions, corporate mergers, the creation of joint ventures, like-kind exchange transactions, the tax treatment of real estate investment trusts, the taxation of condominiums and cooperatives and low-income housing credit transactions. We also represent clients in state and local income tax matters and matters concerning recordation and transfer taxes and real property tax exemptions.
Wealth planning.
Venable attorneys create tailored asset-management, estate and business plans for individuals and families. We work closely with financial advisors to structure plans that protect wealth and facilitate support of charitable organizations and other interests.
This includes providing counsel and solutions to make sure your wealth goes to your heirs—and not to the government. Venable advisors know what the government is legitimately entitled to, and what you may rightfully leave to your loved ones. We are grounded in the rules and regulations governing income, gift and estate taxes. We can help you provide for your heirs or any charitable, educational or religious institutions you choose.
Our team also maintains a focused practice on advising professionals in the entertainment industry on a litany of issues related to tax, estate and charitable planning.
Tax-exempt organizations.
Venable attorneys are known for delivering timely, cost-effective service to trade and professional associations, charitable foundations and other nonprofit clients.
We create winning solutions, providing plans for reducing tax burdens while also making sure an organization’s resources are put to their best use. The benefactor rests assured that he or she has helped an organization that has earned this support.
Tax controversies.
We represent clients, both individuals and large corporations, at every stage of resolving disputes with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)—from meetings with IRS examinations, tax appeals and, when necessary, tax litigation.
Our success in achieving positive outcomes for our clients derives in part from the fact that many Venable tax attorneys have actually worked within the IRS and understand their processes from the inside.
Tax policy.
Our tax practice includes attorneys who are former staff members of both the Senate Finance Committee and the Joint Committee on Taxation. Their experience is of critical value in connection with advising clients on major pieces of tax legislation being considered by Congress.
Tax policy is entering a cycle in which changes are certain to be multi-faceted and far-reaching. Venable’s experienced attorneys help clients anticipate, stay on top of and respond to changes by understanding the intricacies of what goes into tax policy at the highest levels.
International tax.
Venable attorneys assist organizations both foreign and domestic, as well as international investors, in the broad range of tax and corporate matters that arise when conducting business across borders.
We are well-versed in all manner of complex tax issues affecting cross-border business activities, ranging from inbound and outbound investments and transactions, to international tax controversies, to sophisticated tax planning for individuals working and living abroad.
Venable tax attorneys come from diverse backgrounds—including prior service at the Internal Revenue Service and experience at Big Four accounting firms. Many are certified public accountants or have advanced degrees, such as a Master of Law degree in Taxation or an MBA.
We draw on this wide range of experience to deliver the right skills and pragmatic solutions to deal with your tax issues.
Venable LLP
750 E Pratt St #900
Baltimore MD 21202
Tel: 410 244-7400
Fax: 410 244-7742
